Tutorial : Azure QnA Maker Chatbot for Students
In this tutorial will introducing students to Azure Bot Services.
- Create a Knowledge base
- Publish Knowledge base
- Create Bot
- Connect bot to web Channel
- Open/Activate Azure for Student Account- Free $ 100 credit
Create a Knowledge base (KB)
- Sign in to the Azure portal and create a QnA service
- Fill in and select appropriate options for your QnA Maker service and click create button
Wait for few minutes for QnA Maker service to be deployed. On the right top of Azure Navigation you will receive a notification once the QnA maker service deployed successfully
3. Go to https://www.qnamaker.ai , sign in to connect your QnA service to your KB:
Microsoft Azure Directory ID: The option that will show as the tenant will be name of your university( e.g University of Kwazulu Natal)
Azure subscription name : Select Azure for Students
Azure QnA service : Select the name of your QnA service
4. Name your KB
5. Add spreadsheet that have Q and A
6. Create your KB
It will take about a minute to finish
Publish the KB
- Your Knowledge base
2. Publish your KB on the right top navigation click publish
Click publish. It will take a minute
3. Your KB successful deployed
Create Bot
- Click Create bot
2. Create bot on Azure
The information of bot will be automatically populate click create. It will take few minutes to deploy your bot.
Connect your Bot Service to Web Channel
- Download the Notepad with HTML code here
2. Get YOUR SECRET KEY on Azure Portal
On the left navigation click All resources
3. Open your Web App Bot
On the table of All resources check look on TYPE column and open/click Web App Bot.
A list of Properties for your Web App Bot will display, select Channels
Under Connect to channels click on Edit of Web Chat
4. Show and Copy Secret Key
5. Paste the Secret key on Notepad
6. Save your Notepad as Html format ( e.g Myfirstbot.html)
7. Open your bot on the browser and test it